Facilitator Training


Foundation module

DSC05851The CEEL training starts with the Foundation module developing essential facilitation skills, self and somatic awareness, attendance to safety on all levels, and awareness of equine behaviour in sessions.  In addition to learning how to set up a session, ensure safety, resource the client, hold space, observe and integrate the horses’ responses, and debrief and end the session, participants will learn to facilitate 3 types of sessions:

  • A complete reflective session
  • An experiential learning session
  • A somatic awareness session

Working with Individuals modules (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

WwI BeginnerThe Working with Individuals modules, focus on trauma-sensitive facilitation.  In the Beginner module, participants learn essential skills to keep clients within their window of tolerance, and also learn to observe specific client behaviors according to a clear map that allows them to understand the nervous system state, and determine what kind of intervention is most likely to support the client’s natural reorganisation.  Participants learn a ‘shaping’ paradigm of positive reinforcement and specific facilitation skills to ‘shepherd’ clients towards increased coherence and resilience that leads to greater clarity, insights, beneficial change, and well-being.  Horses readily support this level of intervention and participants learn how to recognise horses’ responses and optimise their contributions.

Intermediate Working with Individuals module

Much of this module is consolidation, case examples and review, and practice in preparation for the Advanced Working with Individuals module.

Advanced Working with Individuals module

IMG_6632The Advanced Working with Individuals module refines and expands on the skills learned in previous modules.  In addition, participants learn to work with and transform the discordant energy of emotions, pain, and somatic discomfort. Participants will learn how to explore clients’ spontaneous movements and gestures that can lead to completion and resolution of their stories and boundary ruptures.  Participants will practice facilitating activities with the horses that are designed to restore healthy attachment and attunement.  Overall, participants will observe and experience the depth of contribution by the horses when they are fully engaged in supporting people to release their outdated beliefs and stories and move into a more authentic, resilient way of being.

Working with Groups module

IMG_5500The Working with Groups module explores the different types of groups and their respective needs.  Participants learn activities that would be appropriate for each type of group and to manage individuals’ needs while maintaining a group focus.

It also covers core experiential learning processes that include planning and design considerations, group dynamics, developing your ability to respond to events within the group and increase your confidence for managing EEL groups in a way that maintains physical and emotional safety and effectiveness for all group members – human and horse.  Participants also work together to deliver a program to ‘real’ (volunteer) clients.

Structure of training program

CEEL training starts with the Foundations module.  On completion of the Foundations module, you can apply to attend the Working with Individuals modules – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.  You are required to attend all 3 modules.  Finally, after completing the 3 Working with Individuals, you can opt to attend the Working with Groups module.

CEEL Structure7

Numbers are limited

The number of participants is limited to maximise the potential for learning and emotional safety of all participants.

Who can attend?

This training is not ‘stand-alone.’  It is designed to complement your specific orientation and discipline and is suitable for anyone in the field of human development:  such as coaches, counselors, therapists, social workers, teachers, trainers, healers, and other individuals with an orientation towards human growth and development who want to incorporate horses into their work.

This training is designed for people who have already started to move beyond a survival orientation to a creative, emotionally vital thriving lifestyle.

People who have attended EAGALA or other training will find that this training complements what they have already learned, and provides opportunities for practicing and deepening skills, including somatic processes that specifically focus on the autonomic nervous system, body awareness, energy, and emotions.

Is this program right for you?
Is your passion and purpose to work with horses and be the catalyst for growth and development in others – grounded in professional training and supported by a community of like minded practitioners?

Intra-personal, inter-personal and inter-species
Would you like to learn how to provide learning experiences and develop facilitation skills that are grounded in professional somatic practices which recognise the horse as an equal partner?

Pathway to self-mastery
Are you open to accelerated personal growth and development that will not only be a critical aspect of your work as an equine experiential learning facilitator, but will be reflected in your own life – and relationships (including with your horses)?

Staying connected

When you attend CEEL training, you automatically become member of the growing, mutually supportive and resourceful CEEL community where knowledge is readily shared, and creative solutions to challenges are explored.  You can call on the CEEL community for ideas, suggestions, and feedback to you questions and challenges, and learn about others’ experiences


Applicants must be physically fit, mentally and emotionally stable and exhibit a level of personal maturity. Ideally, applicants have appropriate training and experience in human development or are attending, or enrolled in relevant courses.

Application process

A detailed application process will help us mutually determine if this is the right training for you.  Here are the steps for the application process:

  1. Download the application, complete it, sign all the required pages, and return it to CEEL.
  2. You will be contacted for a phone interview.
  3. You will be notified of your acceptance
  4. A deposit of $500 will be required to secure your place in the desired training event
  5. An invoice will be issued – acknowledging receipt of your deposit and indicating the balance due and balance due date.


Learning skills and expanding knowledge for the purpose of applying them to a career, is a worthy investment.  In addition to learning, you will no doubt experience your own personal growth that may influence other areas of your life.  You will become part of a community that supports your professional and business development and have access to local (Australia) expertise.Investment4Do you have questions?  Please contact us:

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